Mar 2, 2011

I've got the Joy--More than just a KIDS SONG

Luke 10:21

At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. 

There is a joy that comes from the Holy Spirit; our scripture says that Jesus was full of this joy. There is another verse that says that “the joy of the Lord is our strength”.  I ask God to fill me with his joy often and I get filled. Have you ever been full of the joy of the Lord? The joy of the Lord is a weapon we use against the attacks of the enemy.  When the joy of the Lord comes into your life, you will have an inner strength that you have not known before. This strength, (joy of the Lord) is available to you today, ask God to fill you with his joy and he will. 

Feb 16, 2011

LOVE???? :)

1 John 3:11

This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.
As I am writing this I am setting a goal for today. That goal is to let my family know I love them and to contact several of my close friends and let them know I love them too.  With the technology we have available to us it's so easy to send text  messages, emails and call people on the phone and say “ I love You”.  If you don't feel comfortable telling them you love them, how about letting them know that you appreciate them and you are glad they are your friend. There are many ways to let people know we care about them, I personally enjoy getting surprised with small gifts. Sometimes friends or family will just surprise me with a card in the mail or leave a gift by my front door.  Be creative, find ways to tell those you care about how special they are to you, do it today!

Feb 13, 2011

What Should I Be Doing?

Luke 19:10
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.
Do you know your purpose, the reason for which you were created?  If not, consider what Jesus' purpose was and imitate him. He was seeking and saving the lost.  Discovering, your gifts, talents, interest and personality, may take some time and self examination. I have found that by staying active in my church and  staying connected with strong Christian friends, discovering who I am is beginning to unravel easily. Eventually, people around us begin to recognize gifts and talents that perhaps we didn't know we had. Good brothers and sisters in the Lord will begin to encourage you to utilize your gifting. In time, you will begin to see how God intended you to use the gifts and talents he gave you to help other people. Above anything else, we are to be the love of the lord on this earth. If you can be a living demonstration of the love of the Lord you will find your purpose. 

Feb 8, 2011

All It Takes Is To Say "I LOVE YOU"

Psalms 18:1
I LOVE you fervently and devotedly, O Lord, my Strength

Being a follower of Christ is so much more than just attending church. The bible says to love the Lord with all your heart, mind soul and strength. (Mark12:30) When we are in love with someone, we express to them by our actions and words “I love you” on a daily basis. As we begin to establish our relationship with God, eventually we should reach this place where “I love you” is a daily expression to him in thought, words and actions. Whenever we fall in love with someone we must first spend time with them, getting to know them, it works the same way with the Lord.  Spending time with the Lord means that we talk to him regularly, we read the bible often and we do the things that God likes to do as well as include him in things we like to do. Take time to sincerely tell God, I love you, he deserves to receive our expressions of love, and he also requires it. 

Feb 3, 2011

It Will Be Worth It!

Hebrews 12:7 and 11
7 Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons.

11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. 

Sometimes I get tired of having some kind of hardship in my life, but God is able to use them for good, and to bring him glory. Just by reading this verse, I am able to let go of troubling things in my life and trust that God is able to teach me something through this hardship. Eventually, things always get better. Once I have victory over the hardship, I am able to share with others how to overcome hardships in their lives. God teaches us in many ways, the bible says that he is working all things for the good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.  No matter what is going on in my life, because I am sincere about committing my life to God daily, I know that he is working in every area of my life. He is a loving father who helps us walk and stand so we then can reach out and help others who may be hurting.