Feb 13, 2011

What Should I Be Doing?

Luke 19:10
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.
Do you know your purpose, the reason for which you were created?  If not, consider what Jesus' purpose was and imitate him. He was seeking and saving the lost.  Discovering, your gifts, talents, interest and personality, may take some time and self examination. I have found that by staying active in my church and  staying connected with strong Christian friends, discovering who I am is beginning to unravel easily. Eventually, people around us begin to recognize gifts and talents that perhaps we didn't know we had. Good brothers and sisters in the Lord will begin to encourage you to utilize your gifting. In time, you will begin to see how God intended you to use the gifts and talents he gave you to help other people. Above anything else, we are to be the love of the lord on this earth. If you can be a living demonstration of the love of the Lord you will find your purpose. 

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