Feb 16, 2011

LOVE???? :)

1 John 3:11

This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.
As I am writing this I am setting a goal for today. That goal is to let my family know I love them and to contact several of my close friends and let them know I love them too.  With the technology we have available to us it's so easy to send text  messages, emails and call people on the phone and say “ I love You”.  If you don't feel comfortable telling them you love them, how about letting them know that you appreciate them and you are glad they are your friend. There are many ways to let people know we care about them, I personally enjoy getting surprised with small gifts. Sometimes friends or family will just surprise me with a card in the mail or leave a gift by my front door.  Be creative, find ways to tell those you care about how special they are to you, do it today!

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