Jan 11, 2011

I want the Connection

To abide in the Lord means to remain connected to him all of the time.  We do this by being conscious of the fact that God is always with you. Take a moment to examine your life. Use these questions to help determine if you and the Lord have been staying connected.   Would Jesus say the things you have been saying? Would Jesus treat others the way you have treating them? Would Jesus look at the things you have been looking at? Would Jesus listen to the things you have been listening to? Everyday with the Lord is a new beginning; he is forgiving, merciful and kind. When I stay connected to the Lord my life is full of the fruits of the spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness and self control.  Being conscious of God’s presence, staying connected to him, will change everything about you.

Prayer: Lord help me to stay connected to you today. Jesus help me to be more aware that my eyes are your eyes, my ears are your ears and that my actions are your actions.

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