Jan 11, 2011

How do you FLY?

2 Cor 5:7
(For we walk by faith, not by sight :) 

Recently I was reflecting on a dream that a friend of mine told me about. In the dream there was a   man who was physically fit, and in the military. He was about to enter into flight training that would eventually promote him to a higher ranking as a pilot. His challenge would be to fly the airplane by using the instrumentation and gauges only, with no visual view of his outer surroundings. I consulted a good friend who is a pilot, about this dream. She said that during this type of training, an up close and personal relationship is established between the instructor and student. The ultimate goal is to condition the pilot to be able to handle all types of flying conditions by putting their trust in the instruments at hand. The bible says to walk by faith and not by sight. The plane can be compared to Gods kingdom; in that God has provided us with every instrument that we need to get us through all types of circumstances, even when we can't see where we are going. We must maintain a close and personal relationship with God, so that if we encounter difficulty we will be familiar with his voice, able to hear and trust his direction. Once we learn to use the instruments in the kingdom; such as, seeking God first, loving one another, reading Gods word, worship, prayer, hearing his voice and fellowship, these are   just a few, we then can be promoted to being trusted with more powerful weapons. The bigger the plane is the more people you can carry, while you fly higher and further. God wants to entrust you to effect more people. Challenge yourself to fly a bigger plane in God’s kingdom; you can do this by learning how to use your spiritual instruments.

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