Jan 9, 2011

Who Has the Key?

Can we imagine just for a moment that we have a small door key in our hand. I believe that faith is the key in our walk with God. When we have our house key with us and the door is locked,  we are not worrying about how we will get into the house. The same is true with a car door as long as we have the key to unlock the door, there are no worries. Faith is just a decision that we make to trust God and not worry. It's a small thing in our hands,  but when we hold the key of faith, God can open many doors. We just keep earnestly seeking him and trust without worry that he is working all things for the good. Sometimes I just say out loud, “Jesus I trust you.” 


  1. This really connects with my life verse - Romans 8.28 'AND WE KNOW THAT IN ALL THINGS GOD WORKS FOR THE GOOD OF THOSE WHO LOVE HIM, WHO ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE." - Pastor Steve

  2. I never really thought about it like that. I've always had trouble believing because I wanted to and not because someone else wanted me to. Now it's exactly like that. Like holding a key in my hand. Thank so much for postage this. It's given me a lot of clarity and a lot to think about. God bless.

  3. Wow! That is a good way to look at faith!
